Comedies are similar to all
genres in that they tell stories. No decent comedy has a bland story this due
to the fact the audience has to be grabbed in order to effectively deliver
jokes. The purpose of a comedy is tell a story, but to tell a story while the
audience always has a smile on their face. Most comedies are set in normal, usually happy places such as cities and suburbs they also tell normal stories
that one can easily put themselves into, thus making the jokes funnier. This
connection of character to viewer help the jokes be delivered because it makes
the viewer sympathetic and understanding of the character’s trials and
tribulations. Most modern mainstream comedies might have a less complex story
to tell than other genres, but that it doesn’t mean these stories don’t need to
be told. Comedies are here to make us smile and that just might be why comedy
is one the most important genres out there.
Comedy production techniques are to emphasize circumstances in the name of humor. For instance when the character Lloyd Christmas, masterfully played by Jim Carrey, falls in Dumb and Dumber, he does not simply fall. He flails on his way to the floor, his arms waving, mouth wide open, and the camera conducts a zoom. This dramatization of the fall is unique to comedy in order to make sure that a smile is on the viewer’s face. Perhaps the fall would have been funny regardless of the production technique, but perhaps not and that is why comedy often applies production techniques to dramatize the rather normal hi-jinks characters such as Lloyd Christmas and Harry Dunne in the film Dumb and Dumber go through. The film Dumb and Dumber is a perfect embodiment of physical comedy as the production relies so heavily on hurting the characters in such comedic ways, the main characters in films of other genres getting hurt is usually a dramatic event, not in comedy, in the film Dumb and Dumber that physical comedy is what makes it iconic. Making sure any given scene has multiple camera angles is also a key production technique in producing any comedy, film or television. Even though physical comedy might not be for everyone due its simplicity, one cannot argue its effectiveness.

Most comedies are marketed in a lighthearted manner. Producers must make sure the audience know that they will have a fun time watching an often uplifting story with jokes throughout. Most trailers for comedy films outline the story while including its best jokes. A great trailer to analyze is the trailer from the film Liar Lair where Fletcher Reed, beautifully played by Jim Carrey, is a lawyer, but must importantly a father. However the film’s trailer shows that Fletcher’s values are not where they should be as you see his son disappointed in his significant time away from him. Then something magical happened, something that could only happen in the world of film. His son wished for his compulsive liar of a father to stop lying and hilarious comedy ensues. The film Lair Lair is a great embodiment of comedies because it tells a story in a lighthearted and funny manner. It also embodies a classic structure of a comedy in the way that it is marketed because the trailer like most comedy film’s trailer is cute and hilarious. This lets the audience know they won’t have to think while eating their popcorn just relax and enjoy the great genre that is comedy. We can see that light hearted nature of comedies in this image from the Liar Liar trailer with happy color hues and the playfulness between father and son.
Other classic comedies not mentioned are, Water boy when Adam Sandler transforms from a lowly water boy to a football star. Another classic Adam Sandler comedy is Happy Gilmore where another underdog story of a simple man with great golf skills. A more modern comedy is Ted, in this film Seth MacFarlane is a vulgar teddy bear. Another classical comedy is Step brothers when Brennan Huff played by Will Ferrell and Dale Doback played by John C. Reilly have a hilarious rivalry that turns into brotherly love. Nacho Libre is a beautiful comedy in which Jack Black plays a pro wrestler that gets into all sorts of hi jinx. A great modern comedy is 21 Jump Street where Schmidt played by Jonah Hill and Jenko played by Channing Tatum attempt to be cops in the funniest way. Then there is Superbad staring Jonah Hill and Michael Cera as Seth and Evan, two best friends finding their way in the world as young teenagers in high school.
Comedy production techniques are to emphasize circumstances in the name of humor. For instance when the character Lloyd Christmas, masterfully played by Jim Carrey, falls in Dumb and Dumber, he does not simply fall. He flails on his way to the floor, his arms waving, mouth wide open, and the camera conducts a zoom. This dramatization of the fall is unique to comedy in order to make sure that a smile is on the viewer’s face. Perhaps the fall would have been funny regardless of the production technique, but perhaps not and that is why comedy often applies production techniques to dramatize the rather normal hi-jinks characters such as Lloyd Christmas and Harry Dunne in the film Dumb and Dumber go through. The film Dumb and Dumber is a perfect embodiment of physical comedy as the production relies so heavily on hurting the characters in such comedic ways, the main characters in films of other genres getting hurt is usually a dramatic event, not in comedy, in the film Dumb and Dumber that physical comedy is what makes it iconic. Making sure any given scene has multiple camera angles is also a key production technique in producing any comedy, film or television. Even though physical comedy might not be for everyone due its simplicity, one cannot argue its effectiveness.

Most comedies are marketed in a lighthearted manner. Producers must make sure the audience know that they will have a fun time watching an often uplifting story with jokes throughout. Most trailers for comedy films outline the story while including its best jokes. A great trailer to analyze is the trailer from the film Liar Lair where Fletcher Reed, beautifully played by Jim Carrey, is a lawyer, but must importantly a father. However the film’s trailer shows that Fletcher’s values are not where they should be as you see his son disappointed in his significant time away from him. Then something magical happened, something that could only happen in the world of film. His son wished for his compulsive liar of a father to stop lying and hilarious comedy ensues. The film Lair Lair is a great embodiment of comedies because it tells a story in a lighthearted and funny manner. It also embodies a classic structure of a comedy in the way that it is marketed because the trailer like most comedy film’s trailer is cute and hilarious. This lets the audience know they won’t have to think while eating their popcorn just relax and enjoy the great genre that is comedy. We can see that light hearted nature of comedies in this image from the Liar Liar trailer with happy color hues and the playfulness between father and son.
Other classic comedies not mentioned are, Water boy when Adam Sandler transforms from a lowly water boy to a football star. Another classic Adam Sandler comedy is Happy Gilmore where another underdog story of a simple man with great golf skills. A more modern comedy is Ted, in this film Seth MacFarlane is a vulgar teddy bear. Another classical comedy is Step brothers when Brennan Huff played by Will Ferrell and Dale Doback played by John C. Reilly have a hilarious rivalry that turns into brotherly love. Nacho Libre is a beautiful comedy in which Jack Black plays a pro wrestler that gets into all sorts of hi jinx. A great modern comedy is 21 Jump Street where Schmidt played by Jonah Hill and Jenko played by Channing Tatum attempt to be cops in the funniest way. Then there is Superbad staring Jonah Hill and Michael Cera as Seth and Evan, two best friends finding their way in the world as young teenagers in high school.
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